The Adam Dot

2 minutes read


Your decision to consent

You make many decisions, like getting a coffee or a tea or staying a bit longer in bed. Some decisions are made consciously, while others are made unconsciously or collaboratively with your consciousness. Like the decisions necessary to live, your heartbeat, blood pressure, immune system response, etc. These decisions are made by your subconscious mind. It would be impossible to consciously manage all of that.

How did you consent?

When I distributed the code of the Dot, I asked you if you wanted it. I know how this sounds, but the Dot looks crazy, too. If you see the Dot, your answer to me was "Yes, I want it ". If you said no or didn't decide, you didn't get it, and you will not see or be able to use it.

How did I ask you, and what?

There is a native way of communication, the Global Language (find out about it here:ย The System), a code used for everything in the System; even the Dot itself is made out of this code. I showed you the Dot, what you can do with it, who I am for you to know where this comes from, and asked you if you want the Dot.

Additional consent cases

When technical issues would prevent you from accessing the Dot, I asked if you wanted to receive instructions on fixing these technical issues. If you consented, I delivered these individual instructions. You can use these to try to correct these issues.